Placing an order is easy, simply follow these steps:
Shop by browsing through any of our product categories and view more detail on each product page.
Add your chosen size to your shopping bag by clicking on the ‘ADD TO BAG’ button.
Review the items you have selected by clicking on the ‘MY BAG’. To delete an item from your shopping bag, click on the ‘REMOVE’ button next to the item.
To finalize your purchases, click ‘SECURE CHECKOUT’ and follow the instructions.
you are interested in an item which is not available to purchase online, you can call us at (+91 7021737734) or email us on (panosgifting@gmail.com) and we will try and locate the product for you in one of our boutiques and arrange a delivery.
No, you cannot add an item to an order or combine two orders together in the same shipment. You will be required to simply place a new order for the additional item; alternatively you may cancel your order and place a new one with all the items you wish to purchase.
During the checkout process, you will be asked to select the shipping address for your order. At this time, you can only ship your online order to one location. We realize that your order may include gifts that require shipping to several different locations. To do this you will be required to place separate orders for each address you wish to ship to. Should you require assistance to do this you can contact our Orders team.
To return any items, simply call or WhatsApp us on +91-7021737734 or email us on panosgifting@gmail.com
Once we receive your return request and the item is picked up, we shall do the quality check and refund the amount to your preferred refund mode. This may take upto 7-10 business days.
If you have requested an exchange we will notify you once your new item has been dispatched, along with your tracking number.
To ensure that your return is processed as quickly as possible, send all the items you wish to return from one order in one parcel.
Items should be returned new, unused and with all tags still attached. In addition, items should be returned in their original, undamaged box as this is considered part of the product.
We try to give as much information as possible on the product page of an item. For more detailed information contact us.
Adding an item to your cart does not reserve it.
Yes! We specialise in Bulk Gifting. We curate hampers and gift ideas as per your specific needs! Please feel free to reach us on call or Whatsapp on +91-7021737734 or email us on panosgifting@gmail.com
Yes! We specialise in gift wrapping. Your product could be gift wrapped for an additional charge.